Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I am compiling a list of my achievements. Great or small, this is a list of things I have done that I am proud of.  I am using this as a weapon against self-immolation. I have spent much of my life suffering from the debilitating, self-induced condition of refusing to grant myself value. I have riddled my life with self-doubt, insecurity, and nearly a complete absence of self-esteem. This is my greatest sin: to live my life without pride.

This list will continue grow over the course of my life, and I want to remember with fierce pride all that I have accomplished. Self esteem is the most important value I can ever achieve. It is the highest of all values, because it is the value I place on myself. Nothing could be more vital.

These are not ranked. They are ordered only by what first comes to mind.

1. I invested ~$4,500 in 300 oz. of silver when it was around $15/oz. As of today (4/27/11) it is at $47/oz., bringing me up to $14,100; almost $10,000 in profit. This was the first investment I ever made.

2. I lived successfully and independently in San Diego for 2 years. I moved there when I was 20 years old. I had no family and only 1 friend. I supported myself and proved to myself my ability to not only survive but to thrive. I moved back home for several reasons, but failure was not one of them.

3. I climbed the ladder. In less than those two years in San Diego, I worked my way up from a per diem file clerk to a full-time Senior Medical Records Specialist (3 raises, 2 promotions, and 4 site changes). The job came with a lot of responsibility. I dealt specifically with HIPAA compliance, sometimes informing even lawyers of the proper legal route for obtaining confidential health information. It could be very stressful at times but I was proud of my ability to do it, and I did it well.

4. I am 25 years old and I bought my first home 3 weeks ago. It is beautiful. It’s a 2bd/1ba house with 2 living areas, a garage, new carpet and paint, recently remodeled, with central heat and air for $75,000. My credit is stellar.  It may not be income producing real estate, but that is soon to follow.

5. In San Diego I took a course on General Accounting Principles. I did not have a major. I didn’t care about the credit. I only took it to learn the subject. Out of 40 or so students that were in my class, only 6 of us were left at the end of the semester. I had the 2nd highest grade in the class, and I scored the highest on the final exam. The instructor suggested I become a CPA, but I want to employ CPAs.

6.  I strive for logical consistency in my life as well as my philosophy.  I am an atheist and an anarchist, not because of my rebellious nature, but because of my strict adherence to principles. I seek the truth in everything and believe that reality is both consistent and logical. All the suffering in the world comes from the manipulation of truth. The initiation of force and fraud is morally abhorrent and dishonest; and is never justifiable, because to do so is to abandon the truth.

7. On July 24th, 2010 I married the love of my life. She is the single most important thing in the world to me. I am beyond proud of her.

more to follow...